PD Space Guitar Synthesizer 2 pimps up your guitartone with polyphonic saw and square-like waves, pitchshifting, modulation, filtering and much, much more!
The pitchshifter alone is allready worth the money, according to some of our users ;)
Instead of all the nostalgic tubeamp stuff, you can create new fresh sounds that can sound anything from really old fashioned to really futuristic.
** Please note the following: you need an audiointerface to get your instrument connected to your iphone/ipad
Effects on board:
Polyphonic low latency Pitch Shifter (adjustable latency for different instrument/usage)
Polyphonic waveshaper
Polyphonic modulation
Harmoniser: doubler, overtone and intelligent harmoniser modes
Amp with multimode filter for (auto)wah and more) , EQ, limiter, overdrive, squeel/growl
Modulator with chorus, rotator & phaser modes
Delay with multiple taps, andfeedback tone control.
Cabinet IR for speaker simulation
Reverb with Simple Reverb mode and IIR reverbs
Remote controls for free assignalbe extra effects via builtin envelop followers
Remote pitch control ( whammy )
Remote HOLD pedal functions: from normal holds to unique piano damper style holds!
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